Monday, May 27, 2019

Blog 7

Favorite sport? I never had a favorite, although I've been in several teams, I never liked them so much as to continue practicing them. Physical education was the subject that I liked the least, but I still tried to participate.
In physical education at school, I practiced basketball but one day I stuck a finger and never wanted to play again. After that experience, I found volleyball and something similar happened to me, this time the ball hit my face. And after these sad experiences, I no longer wanted to play any sports, but when I was in high school, we had to play the same, so I "played" for a while and then I became the referee or counted the points, depending on the game.

In my providence, some 5 years ago, sports Olympics are held among all the municipal schools of the Province, and in 2018 we were in the fourth year and this time the Olympics were going to be held in Los Vilos, with my friends to go to the Championship, we signed up for basketball and I must confess that it was not such a bitter experience, I really enjoy it a lot. Although we did not win, we took second place (because the other teams did not show up). So it was a very good experience.

And when I graduated from high school, I wanted to enroll in college to play basketball, but I regretted it because I did not have much time. But I hope to practice a sport in these years that I have left in the university, but I would like to practice other sports here, like swimming or tennis, they are sports that call my attention and I want to know them, maybe among these sports is my favorite sport.
I hope that next year I can organize my time and not leave aside these "New Year's Purpose".

La imagen puede contener: 17 personas, incluidos Sebastian Correa Diaz, Jairo Navea Valenzuela, Cristian Araya y Luis Vergara Vilches, personas sonriendo, cancha de básquet


  1. I hope that you can realize your purposes! And I would like to practice swimming too! <3
    Good Blog!

  2. What bad experiences:-(, but hopefully you can practice what you want soon!

  3. Oh, the same I thing happens with time, and with the university I can not practice a sport. I mean, it has not been my priority ...
