Monday, April 22, 2019

Blog 3 Lunes 22 de abril

I never thought of having a pet, not because I did not like, but because my dad does not like animals that are in small houses, he thinks that animals should be in large places where they can be freely. Somehow I had already made the idea of not having a pet and it was fine for me.
Until one day, we were with my mom having lunch and we had the door open, when a cute bunny comes in, and from that moment it stole my heart, it was a wild rabbit but it was very tiny and so we decided to breeds it until it was bigger.
During all the time he was with us, I had a lot of fun, because he was very special, he had a very particular way of cleaning his ears and it was very good to eat. I loved the tomato, the cabbage and every once in a while I would lie in the garden of my house. 

We were very fond of him, but I felt he was not happy, he was very scared with the noise of the small bus and we had to be alert for the dogs, so on January 2 we left him to a place where there are many rabbits , that is near where my dad has a plot and we leave it there.
It hurt me to leave him there, but I also knew that the city was not his place.

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